I'm an online marketer since 2009, networking company always telling us that earning would be easy if you joined them - that was a question of truth or lying. Anyone of you who presently in this situation still worry and asking - is it the truth? Actually in my observation and experienced it is not easy but IT IS POSSIBLE. The first thing to look are the products whether they have real market value or easy to find in any public market? How long have they been in existence, their financial standing, do they have exclusive distsributorship with the products they are selling and is the product manufacturer reputable, when is the payout and most importantly management or owner would be visible? Anything else...?
Various new system of networking is quickly spreading in the Philippines like a mushroom in the wild. Like the newest system called monoline, it does get rid of the dreaded term pyramid because of it's one line structure but unfortunately, still inherits the same principle of a pyramiding scheme that is earning by recruitment. They all have cheap overpriced products as a front but the real intention is recruiting people. When I was new in this kind of business never checked what is the system using in such networking just seen is the promising money they offerred - which I think most of us are same in nature.
Some said: Monoline system has become very popular that even some famous existing questionable networking like today ads are converting into it. They see that recruits will be abundant because of the appeal to the people.
Why? Because the primary force of monolines to the people is can be expressed in a very catchy words "NO RECRUITING NO SELLING ". In the Philippines networking has been around for many decades and Filipinos are very much familiar of how it works regardless of previous bad experiences. Even the term itself is enough to scare people away from you. And they should be. We want the earning potential of a networking system but we are not ready what it takes to get it, why? Because sometimes it involves lies, dirty tricks and a lot of misleading. Not just in selling but mostly during recruiting people. This is why monoline system is so appealing to them.
You can see in a common binary structure you need to recruit as many as you can and so are your downlines for you to be successful whereas in monoline you only have to recruit two, or you can buy that two heads yourself. After that you will be eligible for the passive income. Everybody else that joins after you will be downlines.
The network marketing industry nowadays has a very bad image because many company owners purposely designed their networking business like casino where greedy and lazy people expect to become wealthy overnight by playing the money game. As the term suggest, "network marketing" is a "marketing strategy" - not a "gambling venture" or an "investment scheme" where people could use their money to a mass more money.
So, the next time you meet people who convince you to make an "investment" in an networking company and utter the words "heads," "flushed out," "easy money," "no selling,"no recruiting" you don't have to work hard," etc., please be extremely wary and decline to stake your hard-earned money with them.
Many people ask, now that the structure is not a pyramid can monolines be considered a pyramiding scheme? The answer is definitely yes. The real meaning of pyramiding scheme is not about its structure as what networkers try to mislead us. Pyramiding scheme is a kind of PONZI scheme or scam wherein you get money from recruits not with a service or product. A lot of them may have products but going into their seminars the discussion will only focus on recruiting people.
One blogger said: networking is not FAIR, why? Simply because it's not FAIR. Did you heard about this - Have you ever been instructed by your teacher in school to fall in line? What if your teacher instruct to scratch the back of the person in front of you? Who will scratch the back of the last person in line? Do you think it is fair? Of course not! It should be two way, you scratch my back I will scratch yours. In a real business you get quality product and services you pay for it. If you are an employee you work for the company they will give you salary.
In a pyramiding scheme (Monolines included), its just a one way system just like the line where you scratch the back of the person in front of you. For you to get something you need someone to do it for you and that someone will need to get another person to scratch his back and the chain goes on.
Now what do you think? In your present networking company (including Technowise) these information and opinion related to them or you just covering them because money talk now.. Any comments and opinion is open for this articles.