Monday, July 7, 2014

The Magical Power Of Barley Grass

Salveo 100% Organic Barley Grass is produced by the leading manufacturer of world-class certified organic barley in Australia. The producer uses a special low temperature drying technology and unique powdering process that gives Salveo Barley Grass its exceptional quality.

The barley grass in Salveo is grown in organic conditions and harvested at a young age where it is at peak nutrient density. Certified Organic by NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture in Australia) - Halal Certified

1. 100% Young Organic Pure Barley Grass from New Zealand.
2. Highly Alkaline.
3. Bioavailability (easily absorbed by our body).
4. Total Complete Food.
5. High Amount of Protein.
6. Rich in live enzymes.
7. High amount of natural chlorophyll.
8. Powerful Antioxidant.(25,500 ORAC Value)
9. Pure Barley is not a is a whole food concentrate.

Barley Grass is considered a powerful antioxidant and immuno-stimulant. Many of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes present in Barley Grass act to protect the body from free radica damage and enhance our immune systems. Antioxidant enzymes, such as the free-radical scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and the antioxidant, 2" - O-glucosylisovitexin (2" O-GIV), have been isolated, and 2" O-GIV is reported to possess antioxidant activity that is superior even to vitamin E. These qualities are believed to be helpful in preventing serious invasive disease.

Barley grass leaf, in the young green stage is purported to be the most prolific, balanced supply of nutrients of any single food source. (Hagiwara, 1985). It is promoted by its champions as a complete food and a rapidly assimilated source of energy.

It is so rich in nutrients that it contains 30 times more vitamin B1than milk, 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges, 5 times more iron than spinach as well as containing large amounts of beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is a very alkaline food which is quite neutralizing to the system. It is naturally high in enzymes particularly S.O.D. (Super –oxide dismutase), which is an antioxidant enzyme that protects our cells from free radical damage. It is also believed to reduce arthritic inflammation and encourage tissue repair for the heart, kidney, pancreas and bowel in particular.

Barley grass provides generous amounts of natural chlorophyll which has a purifying effect on the body enabling it to eliminate toxins that could lead to disease.

Chlorophyll has figured prominently in medical research into tissue healing and it also has a recognised deodorising effect on the body. Some nutritionists have proposed that many diets today are highly acid in balance. As barley leaf powder is alkaline, it is therefore useful in restoring a pH balance.

Barley leaf is naturally high in enzymes that in particular have an anti– peptic ulcer and anti-inflammatory function. It has been suggested that 65% of our food has been processed in a way that destroys all enzymes (Swope, 1987). Nutrigreen’s low temperature drying process therefore plays a significant role in maintaining these valuable enzymes.

Our Green Barley is harvested, dehydrated and powdered in the same locality and is not subjected to any heat, friction or other processes which could cause loss of nutrients. The equipment which we use concentrates the green barley shoots into a micro fine powder and is a world first. With this technology we can provide optimum nutrition in its most natural form.